Landing Page, Jan. special


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January Special

Adventures Through the Enchanted Door Series

2 books for $25.00

multiple discounts for both books with combined order

All purchases include a free subscription to An Artist's View's monthly newsletter.

Nurture your child's natural curiosity with these imaginative stories about a brother and sister who meet fairies and friends in their grandmother's gardens. Your children will be given examples of lessons regarding, being responsible for each other, teamwork, problem solving, and self reliance. They will also discover some amazing functions of nature along the way.






multiple discounts for both books with combined order

It all started with a ball of clay and a sense of wonder.

Update Jan. 4, 2015.....Kids are now making sure they call me before they come over to let the fairies know they are coming and should be hiding. Only don't hide in hard to find places because it takes too long to find them. Today I'll start to make a few new fairies.
